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Home Page Forums Forum Topics With full redundancy on legacy products, can I split my control cables?

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    Pebble Control supports redundant configurations, and its architecture is very resilient. Unlike a more traditional active/spare model, we have designed it in an active/active configuration where possible so should one node go down for some reason, the other one seamlessly takes over the work. Equally, the rules set up in Pebble Control can apply to redundant devices which could be controlled in parallel. The question mentions splitting of cables – well, the system can be designed in such a way that some Pebble Control nodes control the A chain of devices and others the B chain, but of course, there needs to be a link between those nodes. However, we don’t think that layout would be the best practice in the modern IP systems as there is a trend of putting both main and redundant devices (if you want to call them like that) on the same network, but with a network topology that ensures resilience (I.e. failure of one switch does keep the network alive).

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