
User Forum

Welcome! The self-service portal is here to build a community of users of Pebble Control Free.

In our bid to democratise IP we also want users to be able to share their experiences here via our User Forum. This is another useful resource in addition to the ‘How-To’ videos and FAQs. As we have only just launched Pebble Control Free, it will take time for a series of threads to be posted here.

And don’t be shy! Please do share anything useful here that would benefit other users or perhaps make suggestions on how we can improve Pebble Control Free.

Home Page Forums Forum Topics Would it eventually be able to self-heal? IE route or open connection to another device if main device is dead.

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  • #375

    The question here is about self-healing the system controlled by Pebble Control. On the input side of various devices in the system this is actually not a problem as with protocols like ST 2110, multiple devices can listen to the same source, so no action is required. An action might be required on the output side as the receiving device might have to be “tuned” to the other output (its multicast address). Rules you can configure could handle some of those scenarios, and we will further develop the alerts module that is detecting faults as well as its links to the switching rules to cater for more advanced failover scenarios


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